Lightwave LDC-3724B
Product Classification:Laser diode controller
ILX integrated 32W temperature of LDC-3700B Series Laser Diode Controller Features laser diode current source controller GPIB/IEEE-488 remote interface , high stability, low noise laser current source to simulate constant power or constant current mode to 1MHz of 4-wire laser modulation capability forward voltage measurement and adjustable voltage limit temperature controller compatible with thermistor , IC, RTD temperature sensor temperature stability of ± 0.004 ° C TE voltage measurement described ILX 's LDC-3700B series laser Diode Controller is a leading family of high-performance microprocessor-based tool that provides high stability, low noise current source , integrated 32W temperature controller specifically designed to control the laser diode current and temperature . These controllers are known throughout the industry for its reliability , accuracy and ease of use of the LDC-3714B, LDC-3724B and LDC-3744B cover a wide range of low to medium power laser diode test and control applications. LDC-3714B and 3724B are designed for precision control of low to medium power laser diode current source dual range respectively 50/100mA and 200/500mA. For high -power laser diodes , LDC-3744B provides a dual range current source 2/4A. LDC-3714B, LDC-3724B and LDC-3744B is equipped with an integrated 32W temperature controller. Laser and independent power TE current offers clean, protect and stabilize the laser isolated power . ILX has proven laser diode protection strategies, including slow start , adjustable current limiting and voltage compliance, intermittent contact protection, output short circuit relays are included in each model